Courses and onsite training courses take place in Germany, Canada, the U.S. and all over Europe.

Ruby Class for Beginners
This course has been held as an online training course since March 2020. Further Information!
Of course, the name Ruby was chosen, because it was meant to be a gem under the scripting languages. But another reason, maybe the main reason, was the allusion to the scripting language Perl.
This training course covers the fundamentals of the Ruby language for beginners with hardly or no knowledge in Ruby programming. The training material is enriched with lots of exercises and examples.
Target Group:
This course is intended for absolute beginners in Ruby, but some programming knowledge in other programming or scripting languages can be useful.
Our other Programming-Courses:
Content:- First steps in Ruby
- Variables and assignments
- Introduction into object oriented programming: Classes, Objects
- Containers, blocks and iterators
- Functions
- Standard library
- Build-in classes and methods
- I/O in Ruby
- Exception Handling
- Moduls
Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser Schulung kund.
The fees for this Programming course per day:
- €414 per day (exclusive of VAT)
- Toronto, Canada:
- $580 per day (exclusive of HST)
- Lake Constance, Hemmenhofen, Germany:
- €414 per day (exclusive of VAT)
plus € 139 for full board and lodging in 4 star hotel- €414 per day (exclusive of VAT)
- Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin (Germany):
- €442 per day (exclusive of VAT)
- Zurich and Geneva (Switzerland):
- £442 per day (exclusive of VAT)
The price of this course includes participation in the seminar and board and lodging in a 4-star hotel located at Lake Constance.
The price comprises:
Course material
The price of this course includes participation in the seminar and board and lodging in a 4-star hotel located at Lake Constance.
The price comprises:
Course material
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