Trainings in Germany, Switzerland, England (London)
France (Paris) and Canada (Toronto)
France (Paris) and Canada (Toronto)
SQL courses
MySQL Course for Beginners
This hands-on class covers all the basics of relational databases, like SQL and MySQL. At the end of the course participants will be able to design and maintain databases in MySQL and other SQL based databases. Participants will also be familiar in querying, retrieving filtering and sorting information from existing databases.
Though the course is based on MySQL, it is a general SQL course without using any MYSQL specific features.
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser SQL-Schulung kund.
Further information about "MySQL Course for Beginners"SQL and Python
This hands-on class covers all the basics of relational databases, like SQL and MySQL. At the end of the course participants will be able to design and maintain databases in MySQL and other SQL based databases. Participants will also be familiar in querying, retrieving filtering and sorting information from existing databases. Additionally, a short introduction in Python and the SQL interfaces of Python is provided.
Though the course is based on MySQL, it is a general SQL course without using any MYSQL specific features.
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser SQL-Schulung kund.
Further information about "SQL and Python"

The fees of our 5-day courses include tuition, accommodation in a four-star hotel on the shores of Lake Constance and special leisure time offers; for many areas, e.g. London, the flight up to a maximum of 150,- Euro is included as well.
New: We are offering our courses in Switzerland (Zurich) and France (Paris and Strasbourg) as well!
Our main focus is to establishing an optimal learning environment. Learning and fun are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, people who feel satisfied with the atmosphere learn faster and above retain what they have learnt. Our Linux courses take place in one of the most beautiful regions in Germany. The water of Lake Constance at your feet and the Alps in view plus the easy to comprehend and appealing courses of Bodenseo insure successful learning.

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