France (Paris) and Canada (Toronto)
Open Classes
Most of our open classes in North America are held in Toronto, Canada. Other possibilites are Ottawa, Boston, New York or Washington.On-Site Trainings
On-site training can be held wherever it is best and effective for your organization or company. We offer training courses in Canada, the United States, England, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Luxemburg and Austria. We will customise the training to your prefered topics, location and the desired course length.Our Trainers:
Bernd Klein
Bernd studied computer science and mathematics in Germany. Bernd's principal area of interest and expertise is Python. He is both the author of the renowned website Python Course and of a book on Python.He has profound knowledge in the operating system Linux and lots of different programming languages.
Bernd gained valuable tutoring experience at the Saarland University and at the University of Educational Science in Koblenz. Bernd has held various programming language trainings at all levels since 2007. Participants of his programming language courses (Python, C, C++, Shell, Perl etc.) profit from his profound theoretical background and his extensive and solid experience as a development engineer.
Keith Brown
The main trainer for our Linux and Shell courses is Keith Brown. He is a trainer and software developer with many years of Linux experience and has worked and trained people all over the world. He studied chemistry and computer science at the University of Michigan (USA) and founded his first training and software development company directly after his studies. In addition to our Linux/Shell courses he also teaches Java, C++, and SQL.Gabor Szabo
Gabor is the founder and manager of Perl Training Israel (PTI). He is an internationally known speaker and trainer of Perl who has been providing training services in Israel and abroad since 2000. He is the leader of the Perl Mongers in Israel and the main organizer of the annual Perl conferences in Israel. Gabor Szabo has been teaching Perl since 2000. He is an active member of the International Perl community. He has given lectures and presentations on various international Perl conferences.Linux and Programming Languages
Python Course for Beginners
This Python course provides a gentle but intensive introduction into learning to program. It starts with the basic syntax of the language, such as statements, variables, comments, conditionals and loops and proceeds with all the fundamentals of the programming language Python, i.e. lists, tuples and dictionaries. Functions, modules and packages are covered with practical exercises and examples. This course can be run as an on-site or in-house training course as well, e.g. in England (London), Canada (Toronto, Ottawa), Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
Dates: 24/Feb/2025 - 28/Feb/2025; 31/Mar/2025 - 4/Apr/2025; 7/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 19/May/2025 - 23/May/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 30/Jun/2025 - 4/Jul/2025; 11/Aug/2025 - 15/Aug/2025; 22/Sep/2025 - 26/Sep/2025; 3/Nov/2025 - 7/Nov/2025; 15/Dec/2025 - 19/Dec/2025
Further information about "Python Course for Beginners"Python Intensive Course
This intensive Python course starts with the basic syntax of the language, such as statements, variables, comments, conditionals and loops and proceeds with the fundamental data structures of Python, i.e. lists, tuples and dictionaries. Functions, modules and packages are covered in great detail. A main focus remains on Object Oriented Programming. Advanced topics as decorators and generators round upt the schooling. This course can be run as an in-house training as well, e.g. in Ireland, France, Switzerland, Austria, Netherland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Canada or Germany.
Dates: 10/Mar/2025 - 14/Mar/2025; 7/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 23/Jun/2025 - 27/Jun/2025; 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025; 8/Sep/2025 - 12/Sep/2025; 20/Oct/2025 - 24/Oct/2025; 1/Dec/2025 - 5/Dec/2025
Further information about "Python Intensive Course"Python for Engineers and Scientists
This Python training course covers all the basics of the language, such as statements, variables, comments, conditionals and loops and proceeds with all the fundamentals of Python, i.e. lists, tuples and dictionaries. Likewise functions, recursive function, modules and packages are treated with appropriate depth. Another focus is object-oriented programming. The modules Numpy, Matplotlib and Pandas will take a full day. These are of particular interest to most engineers and scientists. Like all our other courses this training course can also be conducted as an in-house training schooling at your premises, e.g. in Ireland, France, Switzerland, Austria, Netherland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Poland, Romania, Canada or Germany.
Further information about "Python for Engineers and Scientists"Data Analysis with Python
In this course, you will acquire the skills required to analyze, visualize and present data using the Python modules Numpy, Matplotlib and Pandas. The theoretical basics are deepened with many practical exercises and tasks.
Dates: 12/Mar/2025 - 14/Mar/2025; 9/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 4/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 30/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025; 10/Sep/2025 - 12/Sep/2025; 22/Oct/2025 - 24/Oct/2025; 3/Dec/2025 - 5/Dec/2025
Further information about "Data Analysis with Python"Efficient Data Analysis with Pandas
This course imparts the necessary skills to analyze, visualize, and present data using the Python module Pandas. The theoretical foundations are reinforced with many practical exercises and a final project.
Dates: 27/Jan/2025 - 28/Jan/2025; 10/Mar/2025 - 11/Mar/2025; 7/Apr/2025 - 8/Apr/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 3/Jun/2025; 23/Jun/2025 - 24/Jun/2025; 28/Jul/2025 - 29/Jul/2025; 8/Sep/2025 - 9/Sep/2025; 20/Oct/2025 - 21/Oct/2025; 1/Dec/2025 - 2/Dec/2025
Further information about "Efficient Data Analysis with Pandas"Object Oriented Programming with Python
Python is an object-oriented programming language, although unfortunately many Python programmers do not use the special possibilities of OOP. Many of them wrongly believe that object-oriented programming (OOP) is a complicated style of programming. The aim of this course is to introduce programmers who have previously only programmed procedurally to the OOP. The course starts with the simplest examples and then introduces the most important aspects of object orientation in Python. It also covers the more advanced topics like decorating classes and metaclasses. The course duration of three days leaves enough time for practical exercises and in-depth examples.
It can be run as an on-site or in-house training course as well, e.g. in England (London), France (Paris), Switzerland (Zurich), Austria, Germany (Berlin), Canada (Toronto).
Further information about "Object Oriented Programming with Python"Python Training: OOP, Programming Patterns, and Testing
A key advantage of OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) lies in the modularity and reusability of code. This makes it easier to create, maintain, and extend complex software structures. These benefits can be significantly enhanced by using proven programming patterns during software development. However, errors can still frequently occur during programming, which is why systematic testing using Unittest and Pytest is essential. All these topics are covered in our training, both in theory and practice, accompanied by numerous engaging exercises.
Dates: 10/Mar/2025 - 14/Mar/2025; 7/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025; 8/Sep/2025 - 12/Sep/2025; 20/Oct/2025 - 24/Oct/2025; 1/Dec/2025 - 5/Dec/2025
Further information about "Python Training: OOP, Programming Patterns, and Testing"Python Training: OOP and Functional Programming
This is a course that introduces both functional programming and object-oriented programming in Python. Understanding both functional programming and object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python is essential to fully mastering the language and writing effective programs. Python is a versatile language that supports both paradigms, and knowledge of both approaches can help you write more flexible and maintainable code. The course covers theoretical aspects through many practical exercises and in-depth examples, followed by an introduction to the most important aspects of object orientation in Python. Advanced topics such as class decorators and metaclasses are also covered.
Dates: 12/Mar/2025 - 14/Mar/2025; 9/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 25/Jun/2025 - 27/Jun/2025; 30/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025; 10/Sep/2025 - 12/Sep/2025; 22/Oct/2025 - 24/Oct/2025; 3/Dec/2025 - 5/Dec/2025
Further information about "Python Training: OOP and Functional Programming"Python Text Processing Course
This course shows the enormous NLP possibilities of Python. It's both an introduction into the programming language Python and a practical introduction into NLP with real programs. The seminar starts with examples as simple as counting word frequencies, continues with text classification (document classification) and ends with analyzing the semantic meaning of sentences in natural languages like English or German. You will learn to manipulate large corpora, explore linguistic models, and test empirical claims. At the end of the course you will have learnt how to build robust systems to perform linguistic tasks by using Python and the open source library NLTK, Natural Language Toolkit.
Dates: 9/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 4/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 10/Sep/2025 - 12/Sep/2025; 22/Oct/2025 - 24/Oct/2025
Further information about "Python Text Processing Course"Testing and test-automation in Python with Pytest
How do you know that your code works proparly after the changes you made today? How do you know your co-workers did not break the code that worked yesterday? Are you waiting to the people in the QA department to find all the issues? What if the broken part only runs once a year on 1st of January? Would you like to be called back to work for urgent maintence first thing in the new year? What if you are the QA department? Writing automated functional tests can help you reduce the risk. It can also make it much easier for you to make progress. This course provides an introduction to the world of testing with Python. It starts with an overview of what is the goal of testing and how it can help you improve the speed of development and the reliability of your applications Then we cover many aspects of writing tests.
Further information about "Testing and test-automation in Python with Pytest"Python and XML Course
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a set of rules for encoding documents and data in machine-readable form. While Python is a powerful and easy to learn programming language with lots of XML processing solution. This training course combines two courses, i.e. both an introduction into XML for beginners and a complete Python course for novices.
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser Schulung kund.
Further information about "Python and XML Course"Python and Bash Programming
This course enables you to kill two birds with one stone. It is a seminar which covers the basic concepts of both the popular Bash shell, also known as the Bourne Again Shell, and the programming language Python. You will learn how to write small shell scripts to master your Linux administration chores and you will acquire the necessary skills to formulate an algorithm in Python. Like most of our other courses, you can book this one for an on-site or an in-house training, e.g. in Switzerland (Zurich), Germany (Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Stuttgart, Lake Constance), Canada (Toronto), England (London), Netherlands (Amsterdam), Austria (Vienna) and France (Paris).
Further information about "Python and Bash Programming"Introduction to Tkinter
This is a complete course both for Python and Tkinter. As a result of taking this Python training, participants will be able to write Python programs with and without the graphical user interface Tkinter. The course starts with the basic syntax of the language, such as statements, variables, conditionals and loops and covers lists, tuples and dictionaries, functions, and modules as well. Tkinter (Tk) is introduced with a focus on practical orientation. This class can be run as an on-site or an in-house training course as well, e.g. in England, France, Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
Further information about "Introduction to Tkinter"Python and C++ Course
The optimal course for software engineers, software developers, and scientists, who want to work with both C++ and Python. The course covers the details of embedding C++ programs in a Python environment. Additionally we show how to use the Python interpretor in C++ to use the powerful Python possibilities like the evaluation of arithmetic expressions.
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser Schulung kund.
Further information about "Python and C++ Course"Django Python Web Application Framework
A training course for developers and system administrators who want to learn the Django Python web application framework. Participants learn how to install and configure the framework and have the opportunity to practice in many useful exercises. The course is based on Django and Python on Linux, but the differences to using the framework on Windows will also be dealt with.
Further information about "Django Python Web Application Framework"Python and Machine Learning Course
You will learn Python in this course and you will also acquire the necessary knowlegde to analyze, visualize and present data by using Python and it modules Numpy, Matplotlib and Pandas. Another topics of this training course will be an introduction into machine learning, focusing both on the underlying theory and Python example implementations. The scikit learn toolkit will also be introduced.
This seminar can be run as an in-house training course as well, e.g. in England, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Netherland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Canada or Germany.
Dates: 10/Mar/2025 - 14/Mar/2025; 7/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025; 8/Sep/2025 - 12/Sep/2025; 20/Oct/2025 - 24/Oct/2025; 1/Dec/2025 - 5/Dec/2025
Further information about "Python and Machine Learning Course"Machine Learning from Data Preparation to Deep Learning
This intensive course is an excellent introduction to machine learning. It covers in detail the different sub-areas of machine learning, supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning. Each method is explained from the ground up using simple examples that are essential for understanding the process at hand and only require knowledge of basic Python. Then the methods are worked on in a contemporary way with the (auxiliary) modules NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib and the ML library sklearn. By optimizing the examples, the participant learns the importance of hyperparameters and combined approaches of ML using ensemble learning as an example.
Dates: 10/Mar/2025 - 14/Mar/2025; 7/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025; 8/Sep/2025 - 12/Sep/2025; 20/Oct/2025 - 24/Oct/2025; 1/Dec/2025 - 5/Dec/2025
Further information about "Machine Learning from Data Preparation to Deep Learning"Deep Learning for Computer Vision (3 days)
Dive into the captivating realm of "Deep Learning for Computer Vision"! Uncover how machines decipher images, opening doors to self-driving cars, facial recognition, and more. Whether you're an aspiring AI engineer or simply curious, this course offers a unique chance to master image analysis.
Join us to explore convolutional neural networks, image classification, and object detection through hands-on projects. No prior experience needed; we'll guide you from basics to advanced techniques. Shape the future with us—where pixels create endless possibilities. Enroll now and let's bring pixels to life!
This seminar can be run as an in-house training course as well, e.g. in England, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Netherland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Canada or Germany.
Dates: 12/Mar/2025 - 14/Mar/2025; 9/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 4/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 30/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025; 10/Sep/2025 - 12/Sep/2025; 22/Oct/2025 - 24/Oct/2025; 3/Dec/2025 - 5/Dec/2025
Further information about "Deep Learning for Computer Vision (3 days)"Deep Learning for Computer Vision (5 days)
Dive into the captivating realm of "Deep Learning for Computer Vision"! Uncover how machines decipher images, opening doors to self-driving cars, facial recognition, and more. Whether you're an aspiring AI engineer or simply curious, this course offers a unique chance to master image analysis.
Join us to explore convolutional neural networks, image classification, and object detection through hands-on projects. No prior experience needed; we'll guide you from basics to advanced techniques. Shape the future with us—where pixels create endless possibilities. Enroll now and let's bring pixels to life!
This seminar can be run as an in-house training course as well, e.g. in England, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Netherland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Canada or Germany.
Dates: 10/Mar/2025 - 14/Mar/2025; 7/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025; 8/Sep/2025 - 12/Sep/2025; 20/Oct/2025 - 24/Oct/2025; 1/Dec/2025 - 5/Dec/2025
Further information about "Deep Learning for Computer Vision (5 days)"JavaScript Beginner Course
This course covers the JavaScript language, as well as the way fundamental programming concepts are applied in that language, starting from the basics. Topics covered include syntax, data types, data structures, functions, modularity, and regular expressions. The two main JavaScript platforms, web browsers and node.js, are introduced, but not explored in depth. The material is presented using a combination of lectures and collaboratively solved exercises using an interactive JavaScript interpreter.
Further information about "JavaScript Beginner Course"JavaScript Intermediate Course
A course on the JavaScript language intended for an audience with signficant previous programming experience. The topics are similar to the Beginner Course, but the material is explored in more depth, and the exercises work on more interesting and complicated programs.
Dates: 24/Feb/2025 - 28/Feb/2025
Further information about "JavaScript Intermediate Course"JavaScript and the Web
This seminar teaches the way the JavaScript language is used in modern browsers to program web pages. It assumes a certain familiarity with programming and web technology (HTML, CSS) in the participants. Topics covered include the document object model, web forms, event handling, the browser's security model, communicating with a server, and graphics programming in the browser. Exercises are collaboratively worked on in an environment that allows the programs to be tried out interactively.
Dates: 24/Feb/2025 - 28/Feb/2025
Further information about "JavaScript and the Web"Server-Side JavaScript
This course is an introduction to programming JavaScript on the server in node.js. It assumes participants have previous experience with JavaScript. Topics covered include running node.js, the node module system and package manager, asynchronous I/O, writing an HTTP server, talking to a database, and building robust services.
Dates: 24/Feb/2025 - 28/Feb/2025
Further information about "Server-Side JavaScript"Introduction to 3D graphics
3D graphics is everywhere nowadays. Movies, advertising, science & technology, education, you name an area and 3D graphics are used. With endless applications, it is not only fun to use but it opens many more possibilities to make much more informative and appealing graphics than by traditional means.
Making a 3D Graphics production involves many different aspects and stages, and it can be intimidating to try to learn everything. This complexity is why people usually specialize in a specific computer graphics area, such as only modeling or animation. However, it is important that even if you only model, you need to know at least animation basics, to produce objects that an animator could readily use.
This course will cover all the major steps and aspects in creating 3D graphics: Modeling, animation, shading and rendering. That is why this course is useful not only for complete beginners, trying to get into the world of 3D, but also for users who want to be more efficient in their team and better understand the various requests of others with different specialities.
The concepts learned in the course will be applied using Autodesk's Softimage, a very flexible software that can be used for all the steps needed to create 3D animations. By using only one tool we avoid learning a different interface for each topic. However, the knowledge that you will acquire here can be directly used in any other package.
Further information about "Introduction to 3D graphics"Linux Course for Beginners
This course is designed to give a foundation of understanding Linux and Open Source to a beginner. Participants learn and understand the concepts of Open Source and Linux. Students are equipped with the necessary skills to navigate the system and to effectively use the available system tools. Participants also acquire ithe essential skills of a system administrator, e.g. through managing users and granting permissions.
Dates: 15/Sep/2025 - 19/Sep/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 3/Nov/2025 - 7/Nov/2025; 8/Dec/2025 - 12/Dec/2025
Further information about "Linux Course for Beginners"Linux Advanced
A course which takes your Linux knowledge to the next higher level. This training tells you all you have to know about Shell scripting and Linux Power Tools like sed, awk, sort, head, tail, just to name a few.
Dates: 9/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 4/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 30/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025
Further information about "Linux Advanced"Ubuntu Linux Training Course
Ubuntu is an entirely open source operating system built around the Linux kernel. Ubuntu is available free of charge with both community and professional support. It's an operating system that is perfectly suitable for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the applications most people will ever need, from word processing and email applications, to web server software and programming tools.
Dates: 9/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 4/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 30/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025
Further information about "Ubuntu Linux Training Course"System Administration
This comprehensive Linux training course is designed for users who have experience in Linux or other Unix systems to provide system administration skills.
Dates: 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025
Further information about "System Administration "Apache Web Server
A training course for developers and system administrators who want to learn the Apache web server. Participants learn how to install and configure the server and have the opportunity to practice in many useful exercises. The course is based on Apache on Linux, but the differences to running Apache on Windows will also be dealt with.
Dates: 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025
Further information about "Apache Web Server"Django Python Web Application Framework
A training course for developers and system administrators who want to learn the Django Python web application framework. Participants learn how to install and configure the framework and have the opportunity to practice in many useful exercises. The course is based on Django and Python on Linux, but the differences to using the framework on Windows will also be dealt with.
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser Schulung kund.
Further information about "Django Python Web Application Framework"LDAP Training Course: openLDAP
This course will teach the participants how to install openLDAP in their environment. It's possible to centralize the complete user management with this server software. Furthermore it is also possible to setup a centralized authentication for other services such as Apache or Squid.
Another goal of the seminar consists in the setup of an openLDAP-structure and the configuration of a complex directory service so that you are able to manage your daily work.
Dates: 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025
Further information about "LDAP Training Course: openLDAP"Samba 4
This training course covers the installation and management of a Samba 4 Active Directory Infrastructure. During the course the participants will install Samba 4 as an ADDC and as an Active Directory Member Server.
Dates: 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025
Further information about "Samba 4"Cluster with Samba 4 with CTDB
Staring with Samba 4.2 CTDB was becoming a part of Samba 4. So now it is possible to setup a high availability file server environment. Together with GlusterFS you can build an active-active-cluster with automatic failover and load balancing.
Dates: 11/Aug/2025 - 15/Aug/2025
Further information about "Cluster with Samba 4 with CTDB"SEO Training Course
SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of optimizing websites to achieve a high or higher ranking on the most important search engines, especially Google, for search words or phrases, which are in the focus of interest of the website owner. Visitor traffic to websites can be obtained by links from other websites, paid ads or through search engines. SEO training is a business investment that will pay for itself. This training course covers the basics of search engine optimization. Participants will be introduced to the concepts of how major search engines operate and will learn how to optimize their own and their customersâ websites.
Dates: 24/Feb/2025 - 28/Feb/2025
Further information about "SEO Training Course"PHP and SEO Course
Do you want your company's website to be more visible on the web? Do you want to your website to appear before your competitorsâ in the search engine results? First of all, you need a website which is attractive to your customers. But if you are not aware of search enginesâ requirements, your website will be lost in cyberspace. When designing and creating a new website, itâs highly recommended to consider the aspects of search engine optimization (SEO). We offer a combined search engine optimization and programming course for beginners in PHP that will help you to make your website more dynamic, appealing, and, most important, more easily found!
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser PHP-Schulung kund.
Further information about "PHP and SEO Course"Sparkle SEO Course
When a company wants to attract customers on the internet, itâs not enough to just have a website. The overall design, use of legal terms, content and structure are important aspects of website creation. But, above all, the use of techniques that generate a high recognition ranking by search engines ensures that a website will be found by the greatest number of potential customers. If a website isnât readily found by search engines, and, in the long run, by potential customers, all the other aspects are of little importance. This course deals with all the various facets of websites, but the main focus is on search engine optimisation (SEO). We will show you how you can design your website so that it is found easily and listed before your competitorsâ in the search engine results.
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser SEO-Schulung kund.
Further information about "Sparkle SEO Course"MySQL Course for Beginners
This hands-on class covers all the basics of relational databases, like SQL and MySQL. At the end of the course participants will be able to design and maintain databases in MySQL and other SQL based databases. Participants will also be familiar in querying, retrieving filtering and sorting information from existing databases.
Though the course is based on MySQL, it is a general SQL course without using any MYSQL specific features.
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser SQL-Schulung kund.
Further information about "MySQL Course for Beginners"SQL and Python
This hands-on class covers all the basics of relational databases, like SQL and MySQL. At the end of the course participants will be able to design and maintain databases in MySQL and other SQL based databases. Participants will also be familiar in querying, retrieving filtering and sorting information from existing databases. Additionally, a short introduction in Python and the SQL interfaces of Python is provided.
Though the course is based on MySQL, it is a general SQL course without using any MYSQL specific features.
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser SQL-Schulung kund.
Further information about "SQL and Python"Fundamentals of Perl
A Perl training course covering general Perl programming. This course is a grounding in using the scripting language Perl as a Perl programmer, webmaster and/or system administrator. You'll learn about topics such as: regular expressions, lists, subroutines, hashes and references.
Dates: 15/Sep/2025 - 19/Sep/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 3/Nov/2025 - 7/Nov/2025; 8/Dec/2025 - 12/Dec/2025
Further information about "Fundamentals of Perl"Perl for Programmers
A Perl training course covering general Perl programming. It's a course in one day for programmers with experience in other programming languages like C, C++, Java, VB and other programming languages.
Dates: Courses take place on request.
Further information about "Perl for Programmers"Advanced Perl
A Perl training course enabling the participants to use advanced features of Perl, create Modules and be able to write Object Oriented Perl code.
Dates: Courses take place on request.
Further information about "Advanced Perl"QA Automation using Perl
Perl has been used for years in QA for various tasks such as preparing configuration files before the test runs and parsing log files after the tests. In the past few years a lot of extensions have been added to Perl. Now, in addition to the above tasks Perl can now be used in all parts of the automatic test environment. It can be used to behave like a regular user, move the mouse and click on buttons on any application running on Microsoft Windows or turn into a web client and test any web based application.
Dates: Courses take place on request.
Further information about "QA Automation using Perl"Programming in C on Linux
Programming in C is a three to five days course that covers the fundamentals of the C language for trainees without programming experience. This seminar provides a comprehensive introduction to the ANSI C standard. Students are introduced to all major language elements. Comprehensive hands on exercises reinforce the key concepts.
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser C-Schulung kund.
Further information about "Programming in C on Linux"C++ Programming Course
C++ has been one of the premier object-oriented languages since it has been created. This course is a pragmatic and systematic approach to software development and the principles of well-designed object-oriented programs in the C++ programming language will be taught. Participants will learn the concepts of data abstraction, abstract interfaces, and polymorphism. Former participants assured us, that we have the right mixture between theoretic lectures and programming examples and exercises. We don't use a Microsoft or Borland integrated development environment, but concentrate instead on the tools provided by a Linux operating system. This means, that we are using the GNU C++ compiler. The relationship between C and C++ is outlined in this course as well. and the course includes a thorough overview of C syntax. Hands on exercises are performed throughout the training to deepen and intensify the topics of each training unit.
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser C+-Schulung kund.
Further information about "C++ Programming Course"C and C++ Programming for Linux
The aim of this course is to provide a solid introduction to programming in C and C++ and to presents an overview of the fundamental principles and constraints that affect the way in which the C and C++ programming languages have been designed and are used. Hands on exercises are performed throughout training to reinforce key concepts of each training unit.
Further information about "C and C++ Programming for Linux"Lisp Course for Beginners
Lisp is a programming language with a long history - it's actually one of the oldest languages - and the reputation of being very sophisticated. A rep accompanied by the anxiety that it is hard to learn, too hard some think. This is a course that simplifies the study of Lisp. Lisp the easy way!
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser Schulung kund.
Further information about "Lisp Course for Beginners"Advanced Shell Programming
A training course for power users and system administrators who want to learn Linux shell programming. Participants learn the programming skills and have the opportunity to practice them in many useful exercises. The course is based on the bash shell, but the differences to other shells like the Korn and the C-Shell will also be dealt with.
Dates: 19/May/2025 - 23/May/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 30/Jun/2025 - 4/Jul/2025; 22/Sep/2025 - 26/Sep/2025
Further information about "Advanced Shell Programming"Linux Shells for Beginners
Learning shell programming, using the Bourne Again Shell, better known as bash.
Dates: 15/Sep/2025 - 19/Sep/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 3/Nov/2025 - 7/Nov/2025; 8/Dec/2025 - 12/Dec/2025
Further information about "Linux Shells for Beginners"Tcl/TK under Linux
Tcl and TK are is the ideal choice for a wide range of applications, such as desktop, web applications, administration, networking and testing, just to name a few.
This Tcl/TK course provides a hands-on introduction to the scripting language Tcl (Tool Command Language) and the graphical user interface Tk. The seminar is enriched by numerous real-world exercises and examples.
Dates: 15/Sep/2025 - 19/Sep/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 3/Nov/2025 - 7/Nov/2025; 8/Dec/2025 - 12/Dec/2025
Further information about "Tcl/TK under Linux"Ruby Class for Beginners
Of course, the name Ruby was chosen, because it was meant to be a gem under the scripting languages. But another reason, maybe the main reason, was the allusion to the scripting language Perl.
This training course covers the fundamentals of the Ruby language for beginners with hardly or no knowledge in Ruby programming. The training material is enriched with lots of exercises and examples.
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser Schulung kund.
Further information about "Ruby Class for Beginners"Java Course for Absolute Beginners
This course is an easily understandable introduction in the programming language Java and basic programming techniques. The seminar is enriched with numerous examples and exercises to deepen the acquired knowledge and skills. The participants will learn how to write, compile and execute Java programs. They will also learn to design and program object oriented classes. At the end of the course the participants will be able to create simple Java applications on their own..
Dates: 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025
Further information about "Java Course for Absolute Beginners"Java Course for Beginners
Java is one of the most popular programming languages, which had been developed by Sun Microsystems, now maintained by Oracle. It's popularity is mainly based on being a platform independent programming language. to develop platform independent desktop and web applications for enterprises.
This course is an easily understandable introduction in the programming language Java. The seminar is enriched with numerous examples and exercises to deepen the acquired knowledge.
Dates: 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025
Further information about "Java Course for Beginners"Java Course for Advanced Programmers
Though this course starts from scratch, it delves deeper into Java, i.e. the data structures, object oriented programming and its design and analysis. Like all our other training courses,it is enriched with numerous examples and exercises to deepen the acquired knowledge and skills. The participants will learn how to write, compile and execute Java complex programs. They will also learn to design and program complex object oriented classes.
Dates: Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser Java-Schulung kund.Dieser Kurs findet bei ausreichender Teilnehmerzahl statt. Bitte geben Sie uns unverbindlich ihr Interesse an dieser Perl-Schulung kund.
Further information about "Java Course for Advanced Programmers"XML Introduction Course
After completing this course, students will understand the fundamentals of XML. This course is an introduction to XML, in which the participants learn the XML syntax and how to create valid and well-formed documents and how to write DTDs, Schemas and XSLT documents.
Dates: 17/Feb/2025 - 19/Feb/2025
Further information about "XML Introduction Course"XML Course
After completing this course, students will understand both the fundamentals and advanced topics of XML. This course is an introduction to XML, in which the participants learn the XML syntax and how to create valid and well-formed documents and how to write DTDs, Schemas and XSLT documents. Comprehensive hands on exercises reinforce the key concepts.
Dates: 7/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025; 8/Sep/2025 - 12/Sep/2025; 20/Oct/2025 - 24/Oct/2025; 1/Dec/2025 - 5/Dec/2025
Further information about "XML Course"

The fees of our 5-day courses include tuition, accommodation in a four-star hotel on the shores of Lake Constance and special leisure time offers; for many areas, e.g. London, the flight up to a maximum of 150,- Euro is included as well.
New: We are offering our courses in Switzerland (Zurich) and France (Paris and Strasbourg) as well!
Our main focus is to establishing an optimal learning environment. Learning and fun are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, people who feel satisfied with the atmosphere learn faster and above retain what they have learnt. Our Linux courses take place in one of the most beautiful regions in Germany. The water of Lake Constance at your feet and the Alps in view plus the easy to comprehend and appealing courses of Bodenseo insure successful learning.

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