Trainings in Germany, Switzerland, England (London)
France (Paris) and Canada (Toronto)
France (Paris) and Canada (Toronto)
Linux can be installed on a wide variety of computer hardware, ranging from embedded devices such as mobile phones, and smartphones to mainframes and even supercomputers. Linux is famous for its use in servers. However, desktop use of Linux has become increasingly popular in recent years. The most popular distributions of Linux are Mandriva, redhat, Fedora, openSUSE, Debian and Ubuntu.Linux courses
Linux Course for Beginners
This course is designed to give a foundation of understanding Linux and Open Source to a beginner. Participants learn and understand the concepts of Open Source and Linux. Students are equipped with the necessary skills to navigate the system and to effectively use the available system tools. Participants also acquire ithe essential skills of a system administrator, e.g. through managing users and granting permissions.
Dates: 15/Sep/2025 - 19/Sep/2025; 2/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 3/Nov/2025 - 7/Nov/2025; 8/Dec/2025 - 12/Dec/2025
Further information about "Linux Course for Beginners"Linux Advanced
A course which takes your Linux knowledge to the next higher level. This training tells you all you have to know about Shell scripting and Linux Power Tools like sed, awk, sort, head, tail, just to name a few.
Dates: 9/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 4/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 30/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025
Further information about "Linux Advanced"Ubuntu Linux Training Course
Ubuntu is an entirely open source operating system built around the Linux kernel. Ubuntu is available free of charge with both community and professional support. It's an operating system that is perfectly suitable for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the applications most people will ever need, from word processing and email applications, to web server software and programming tools.
Dates: 9/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025; 4/Jun/2025 - 6/Jun/2025; 30/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025
Further information about "Ubuntu Linux Training Course"System Administration
This comprehensive Linux training course is designed for users who have experience in Linux or other Unix systems to provide system administration skills.
Dates: 28/Jul/2025 - 1/Aug/2025
Further information about "System Administration "

The fees of our 5-day courses include tuition, accommodation in a four-star hotel on the shores of Lake Constance and special leisure time offers; for many areas, e.g. London, the flight up to a maximum of 150,- Euro is included as well.
New: We are offering our courses in Switzerland (Zurich) and France (Paris and Strasbourg) as well!
Our main focus is to establishing an optimal learning environment. Learning and fun are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, people who feel satisfied with the atmosphere learn faster and above retain what they have learnt. Our Linux courses take place in one of the most beautiful regions in Germany. The water of Lake Constance at your feet and the Alps in view plus the easy to comprehend and appealing courses of Bodenseo insure successful learning.

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